Exploring Christian Origins
Two lectures by Rev John Castle. In St Michael’s Pastoral Centre
Refreshments will be served from 7.45 pm, and the meetings will include some discussion in groups and opportunities to ask questions. Questions submitted in advance will be welcomed (email Rev John Castle ). Please bring a Bible (copies of the Bible may be borrowed on the night if you forget yours), pen and notebook optional.
There will be no charge, but donations will be welcome.
Wednesday 21st September at 8.00 pm: The Gospel according to Luke
This year most of the Sunday Gospel readings in the lectionary are from the Gospel according to Luke, including several parables of Jesus. We will be exploring these questions among others:
• Who was Luke, and why did he write his Gospel?
• How is Luke’s Gospel different from the other gospels?
• What similarities are there between his situation and ours?
The lecture will be linked to the following one on 5th October (see below), but each is self-contained.
You will be able to join the meeting on Zoom (meeting ID 852 9937 2251, password StLuke).

Wednesday 5th October, 8.00 – 9.30 pm: The parting of the ways between Christianity and Judaism
Jesus was a Jew; the early disciples were Jews; their Bible was our Old Testament. So how come we now have two separate religions? Is modern Judaism like the religion of Jesus? Did Paul convert from Judaism to Christianity? Based on study undertaken during his recent Sabbatical, John will address these questions. The lecture will be linked to the previous one on 21st September (see above), but each is self-contained.
You will be able to join the meeting on Zoom (meeting ID 839 5330 5927 Passcode: Parting).