Stand for election to the Diocsan Synod
The best Church we can be
The Diocesan Synod is the governing body of the Church of England in Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. Alongside the bishops, its membership is drawn from parishioners and clergy.
This year is an election year for Diocesan Synod and every parishioner in the Diocese of Oxford is invited to consider standing. We’re particularly keen for Christians from under-represented parts of the Church to put themselves forward. Could that be you, or someone you know?
The start of a new triennium (new members are elected every three years) is a time to consider afresh how we respond to our common vision for our diocese. This is an opportunity to help the diocese respond to the challenges that face us all and journey towards a more Christ-like Church… the best Church we can be for this generation.
Bishop Steven
President of Diocesan Synod
Download a nomnation form here: