Prayer Cycle for July

No. 91 July 2020

This month we continue to focus is on the world, the church, and our communities as we adjust to changes in our lives brought about by the Corona Pandemic 

Please pray for:

  • The world leaders, that the advice they receive may lead them to make the right decisions to bring the spread of the Corona virus under control.
  • Those in leadership in our country, the Government, all our MPs and local politicians and for the scientists and other advisors.
  • All those who are sick with the virus and those recovering especially those with serious post Covid fatigue, that they will regain their health and strength.
  • Those grieving, particularly for those who were not able to say goodbye to a loved one face to face and hand to hand
  • Medical and nursing staff continuing to work sacrificially, in hospitals, nursing and care homes and local surgeries.
  • Those looking for fresh ways of treating the virus to reduce its impact.
  • Scientists working on vaccines and for those involved in the testing for safety and effectiveness.
  • All key workers, pharmacists, home carers, teachers, childcare providers, shop workers, delivery drivers, and all involved in keeping those of us at home safe and supported. That they will be kept safe and well and that we show them our appreciation.
  • Those people who are still uncertain about going outside, and all those who long to go outside but are obliged to stay at home for their own safety and the safety of those they are shielding.
  • That in these difficult times we might be a people who are sensitive to needs of all around us, particularly all carers and those living alone, that as we serve our local community we will always be looking for ways to share with others the love we share in Jesus
  • The many who have lost their employment and business opportunities due to the virus and those who fear that they may do so in the coming weeks,
  • The Churches in our Deanery, Bishop: Olivia Graham, Area Dean: Richard Lamey. the ministry teams and congregations as our churches start to open up for private prayer and some public worship and for all working to make sure that all is done to ensure the safety of those attending.
  • That we will listen to the voice and will of God in this crisis and respond to the new things we have discovered in these last months with courage, compassion and prayer.
  • Give thanks for the expertise and creativity for all who are contributing to video and streamed of services and meetings and for those keeping us in touch through newsletters and e-mails.
  • That way will be found to continue to use the technology so that people who do not feel confident to return to worship in church because of age or health issues can still be included.
  • Wisdom to discern ways in which we can continue to reach out to those outside our usual worshipping community who have joined us in our video and live-streamed services,
  • For those members of our churches are not able to use technology, that they will still receive pastoral care and not be forgotten.
  • Schools as they re-open, pupils, teachers and support staff.
  • All young people who have been missing out on school for the past three months, especially those who should have taken exams this summer and those who will be working towards important exams next year.
  • Parents home schooling their children.
  • David Wails, James Furlong, Joe Richie Bennett – victims of the Forbury Gardens stabbing – may they rest in peace,
  • The Holt school and all staff, students and counsellors following the stabbing of the much respected and loved teacher James Furlong.  

Give thanks for:

  • The beauty of the world around us.
  • The freedom to spend time in our gardens and parks and the countryside on our walks.

Ever present God,
be with us in our isolation,
be close to us in our distancing,
be healing to us in our sickness,
be light in our darkness,
be wisdom in our confusion,
be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar,
that when the doors reopen
we may with the zeal of Pentecost
inhabit our communities
and speak of your goodness
to an emerging world.
For Jesus’ sake. Amen

            Very Rev’d Andrew Nunn

Let Nothing Disturb You

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.

St. Teresa of Avila

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing be well. 

                                                                                                Julian of Norwich