No. 136 April 2024
This month our special focus is on the family of Churches at Arborfield, Barkham, Christ Church Wokingham and the Church at the Green.

Please Pray for:
Rector: Vacant
Minister: Andy Kearns
Churchwardens: Joe Brown and Lynn McBurnie
Minister: Julian Bidgood
Churchwardens: Karen Pugh and Lucy Savage
Christ Church Wokingham
Minister: Joel Knight
Churchwardens: Martin Northend and Jayne Yeo
In the Churches, please pray for:
- And give thanks for Piers Bickersteth, for his 25 years of faithful ministry and for the joyful farewell service also for Piers and Carolyn as they settle into retirement!
- The succession process – that the Lord would give wisdom to the Parish Representatives and that he would lead us to the right person to fulfil this role.
- Arborfield giving thanks for the Bible overview course we are running – for many being encouraged by seeing more of the overarching story of the Bible.
- Barkham giving thanks for opportunities to speak about Easter in local primary schools and pre-school and for the Good Friday Easter story trail that was run in the local community. Pray some young families might be encouraged to come to church and will be warmly welcomed.
- Christ Church Wokingham for the members of our Life Groups (our small groups) to continue to be committed to meeting with one another.
- The LORD to raise up people to serve and that newcomers would be wanting to use their gifts.
- Church at the Green giving thanks for the very large number of young families who come, and that the Lord might be raising up a generation of young disciples of Jesus. Pray those who serve in the children’s work will do so in the strength that God supplies so that the glory may go to him.
In the Deanery, please pray for:
- all those who come to worship during Holy Week and Easter and that they will be inspired be the beauty of the story they hear and challenged to find out more.
- The Parish of Winnersh to attract applicants for the position of full time Priest as they begin to advertise in The Church Times.
- The five parishes in the Deanery continuing in vacancy, for all those taking on extra work and responsibilities at the moment and for those involved in preparing advertisements and arranging interviews for the new Priests to serve them.
- Bishop Olivia and her husband Keith as she prepares for retirement in the Autumn.
- St John the Baptist, Crowthorne as Vicar Laura goes on Maternity leave and for the safe delivery of the baby. For the Wardens, the LLMs and all clergy visiting during this period.
In this country, please Pray for:
- All those still struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.
- Food Banks, those who staff them, those who provide the food donations, and those who need to use them in order to feed themselves and their families.
In the world, please Pray for:
- An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. For all those left homeless especially in Gaza and for all families torn apart by the conflict.
- A resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.
- And end to civil war and famine in Sudan.
- The serious humanitarian, crisis in Haiti.
Prayer: Oh God, the power of the Powerless,
you have chosen as your witnesses
those whose voice is not heard.
Grant that, as women first announced
the resurrection
though they were not believed,
we too may have courage
to persist in proclaiming your word,
in the power of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Easter Day, The Daily Office SSF