N0. 135 March 2024
This month our special focus is on the Parish of St Sebastian.

Please Pray for:
Vicar: Rev Rickey Simpson-Gray.
LLMs: Russell Shipton and Wendy Wickens.
Church Wardens: Chris Bull, Peter Thompson.
Assistant Wardens: Jane Addison, Paul Morrison, Nigel Burch.
Treasurer: John Congram.
PCC Members and Team Leaders:
Music Director: Eve Bull and Team.
Office Manager: Kirsty Milam
In the Parish, please Pray for:
- Deepening faith and passion for the sake of our community’s heartbeat.
- Success of our five-week Lent Bible Course, The Lord’s Prayer, beginning on 21st February
- Our growing links with St Sebastian’s School: Headteacher Martin Gater, Governors, Teachers, Parents and Children. Also remembering the other schools within the Parish.
- Flourishing of our Youth and Little Angels’ work.
- Leadership in transition at The Base following staff departures.
- Growing work of Age UK Berkshire and their Dementia Café in our Church Hall.
- Parish Cancer Support Group with Anne Bone.
- Staff and residents at Bucklers Lodge Care Home, Crowthorne.
- Sandwich Men Social Group with Ian McKenzie.
- Re-launch of Pastoral / Home Groups
- Continuity of Monday Prayer meetings
- Achievement of financial targets for Church building Roof repair and Estate Driveway
In the Deanery, please Pray for:
- All preparations for AGMs and APCMs, especially the demanding work of Treasurers and Account Examiners.
- For a faithful keeping of Lent in all our congregations as we journey towards Holy Week and Easter, that we may all know God more fully and be inspired to live more selflessly.
- The five parishes in the Deanery continuing in vacancy, for all those taking on extra work and responsibilities at the moment and for those involved in preparing advertisements and arranging interviews for the new Priests to serve them.
- Bishop Olivia and her husband Keith as she prepares for retirement in the Autumn.
In this country, please Pray for:
- All those still struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.
- Food Banks, those who staff them, those who provide the food donations, and those who need to use them in order to feed themselves and their families.
- As we prepare for a probable General Election later in the year, that we discern those best suited and equipped to govern our country.
In the world, please Pray for:
- An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. For all those left homeless especially in Gaza and for all families torn apart by the conflict.
- A resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father,
your son, battled with the powers of darkness,
and grew closer to you in the desert.
help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer,
that we may witness to your saving love
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen